Added support to Make PKG on multiple selected folders

**Most of the above commands are available right clicking on the file on Windows Explorer. It will ask to create a PKG with all the other self files converted to FSELF. It will ask to create a PKG with all the other self files converted to NPDRM.Ĭtrl+Shift+CAPS+ENTER on a EBOOT/SELF/SPRX file, will convert the self to FSELF (DEX). Shift+ENTER on a EBOOT/SELF/SPRX file, will extract the unsigned ELF file (if the keys and klicensee are available).Ĭtrl+ENTER on a EBOOT/SELF/SPRX file, will resign the self file with lowest the key 0x01 for compatibility with all FW versions.Ĭtrl+Shift+ENTER on a EBOOT/SELF/SPRX file, will convert the self to FSELF for use on PS3 Development Consoles (DEX).Ĭtrl+CAPS+ENTER on a EBOOT/SELF/SPRX file, will convert the self to NPDRM (PSN). Shift+ENTER on a PKG file, will extract the content of the PKG on the same folder of the PKG.Ĭtrl+ENTER on a PKG file, will show the ContentID of the PKG and allow open it with PkgView.Ĭtrl+CAPS+ENTER on a PKG file, will repack the PKG as NPDRM (CEX).Ĭtrl+Shift+ENTER on a PKG file, will repack the PKG for PS3 Development Consoles (DEX). Keyboard Shortcuts from Windows Explorer: > The program will pass the PKG to PkgView.exe when you double click or press ENTER on a PKG. If a copy of PkgView 1.3 ( ) exists in the same folder of PKG_ContentID.exe : PKG files are auto-associated to PKG_ContentID.exe It can be used to verify its Title_ID, compare against RAP/edat files, etc. It's a tool for view quickly the ContentID of a PKG.

Pre-requisite: Install VB5 Runtime Modules from: XP users should have this already installed (if not, download & install the DLL). PKG, PUP, edat, rap, rif, dat, bin, self, sprx, elf, prx, sfb, psarc, sfo, sfx, thm, hip, his, md5, sha1, sfv, 66600, trp, sfmĪll these tools are Win32 and require the VB5 runtime DLL. PS3 Tools Collection 2.7.35 by Aldo's Tools